All Chapters
Go to the Press
Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Down, Left,
Down, Y, Down.
Go to the Press
Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Up, Left,
Down, Right.
Go to the Press
Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Right, X, X,
X, B.
Enemies Weaker
Go to the Press
Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press B, Left, Y,
Up, Down.
All Disarms
Go to the Press
Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press B, B, X, X,
2 Guns
Go to the Press
Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Y, X, Up, Up,
Go to the Press
Start screen then to the New Game screen and hold L + R and press Up, Up, Down,
Down, Up. A message will confirm correct code entry. This will turn off
Level select:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press Down, Left, Down, Y, Down. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Unlimited ammunition:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press Up, Left, Down, Right, X. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Boomstick mode:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press Right, X(3), B. A message will confirm correct code entry. This mode
has unlimited shotguns.
Chow Yun Jack mode:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press Y, X, Up(3). A message will confirm correct code entry. This mode
allows double guns.
All disarms:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press B(2), X(2), Right. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Wussy mode:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press B, Left, Y, Up, Down. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Enemies will be less accurate in this mode.
Precursor mode:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press Up(2), Down(2), Up. A message will confirm correct code entry. This
mode turns off all targeting cursors, which provides more challenge and a
different appearance.
Hard boiled mode:
On the "New
Game" screen, just after the "Press Start" screen, hold L + R
and press Y, B, Left(2), X. A message will confirm correct code entry. Hard
boiled mode increases challenge level significantly, especially when used with
the Super Cop difficulty setting.
Chapter 3: Spine break:
When you are locked
up "Iron Point" and are walking around in the hall only two or three people
will be around. One of them will run up to you and say something. When you run away,
they start to walk away. As they walk away you can go in back of them and do
the grab. However, they move too much and you will end up breaking their back.
Chapter 3: Ledge in mine:
If you are having
trouble getting across the ledge in the mine after the prison break, go to the wall
with the ledge and enter "wall mode". You will scoot across and will
not perish in a darkened abyss.
Chapter 13: Voice access:
Kill one of the men
that has green on. You will see a man in yellow walk out in the open and run
back. After a moment, the man in the yellow will run over to you. When he does
this, and grab him. If another man runs with him, kill him and leave the man in
yellow alive. Take him to give the voice authorization and you will be able to
open gate. When you go over to the gate, a lot of men will be there. An easy
way to kill all of them is to run up to them and grab one as a shield. The man
you grab will get killed quickly. Keep doing this until only one person remains.
Chapter 14: Fahook uses bottle:
After defeating
Fahook once he goes into the back of the plane, when you get him very low on
life he will drink from his bottle. At this time you should shoot the bottle
out of his hands before he gains too much life. Doing this three or four times
will destroy his bottle. Finish off his remaining life points and watch the
intermission sequence.
Flaming Fisted Man warning:
After defeating
Flaming Fisted Man, the game restarts itself. This does not allow you to save your
game, meaning that you either start a new game or continue fighting Flaming
Fist Man repeatedly.
Fight Club
On the New Game
select screen, hold L and R and press: B, Left, X, Y
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