New 2P Modes
2P Action Race
Unlocked from start
2P Bobsled Race Collect 80 emblems
2P Expert Race Collect 120 emblems
2P Quick Race Collect 100 emblems
2P Ring Race Collect 60 emblems
2P Special Stage Collect 40 emblems
2P Team Battle Collect 20 emblems
2P Bobsled Race Collect 80 emblems
2P Expert Race Collect 120 emblems
2P Quick Race Collect 100 emblems
2P Ring Race Collect 60 emblems
2P Special Stage Collect 40 emblems
2P Team Battle Collect 20 emblems
Hold A and Y after
selecting a 2-player level to have a "metallic" skin covering over
your team.
Last Story
Collect all 7 Chaos
Emeralds and finish all stories.
CG Theatres
Team Chaotix
Cinema: Complete Team Chaotix in Story Mode
Team Dark Cinema: Complete Team Dark in Story Mode
Team Rose Cinema: Complete Team Rose in Story Mode
Team Sonic Cinema: Complete Team Sonic in Story Mode
Team Dark Cinema: Complete Team Dark in Story Mode
Team Rose Cinema: Complete Team Rose in Story Mode
Team Sonic Cinema: Complete Team Sonic in Story Mode
player Team Battle mode
Collect 20 emblems
in single player story or challenge mode.
player Special Stage mode
Collect 40 emblems
in single player story or challenge mode.
player Ring Race mode
Collect 60 emblems
in single player story or challenge mode.
player Bobsled Race mode
Collect 80 emblems
in single player story or challenge mode.
player Quick Race mode
Collect 100 emblems
in single player story or challenge mode.
player Expert Race mode
Collect 120 emblems
in single player story or challenge mode.
Team Sonic characters in two player modes
Select a two player
mode. Hold A + Y when making a choice at the character selection screen. Keep
the buttons held through the level selection screen and release them when game
play begins.
characters in single player mode
Collect 141 emblems
in single player story or challenge mode.
Me song
complete story mode as Team Rose.
Chaotix song
complete story mode as Team Chaotix.
Machine song
complete story mode as Team Dark.
Can song
complete story mode as Team Sonic.
Hard difficulty setting
complete the game with all "A" ranks and 141 emblems.
final stage in story mode:
When you complete
one of the story modes, go to the challenge screen. Notice that one of the
stages is not there. To play this stage you must get all seven Chaos Emeralds.
You can get the Chaos Emeralds by playing the stages before you face the Boss.
Get the key for that stage and go to the bonus stage. Then, catch the Chaos
Emerald before you get to the end of the bonus stage. Once you get the all
seven Chaos Emeralds, you can play the final stage. There is only one Chaos
Emerald for each set of levels.
complete the game with everyone to face Dr. Robotnik in one final battle where
everyone is combined to defeat him once and for all.
As Team Rose, break
one of the boxes to get Team Blast. Get close to him in Power or Fly formation
on the edge. Use it, then change to Fly formation attack until you are not
invincible. Do the same thing again with the other box, then keep attacking in
Fly formation close to him. If you get hit, get back on the stage and avoid the
rest of his attacks. Get the rings and try again. Eventually he will lose his
100 HP on that side. Then as Team Chaotix, the color of his weak point changes,
and it will not be harmed by that formation (blue impervious to speed, red
impervious to power, etc.). First, change to Fly formation and get the balloons
above you without getting hit. Get in Power formation, get in the canon on the
edge, and fire at the weak point. Note: You will not get hurt in the canon. Do
this again until it is red and switch to fly. Do the same thing as Team Rose
until it turns yellow. Repeat Power formation and Fly formation until he is
defeated. You are now in front of Metal Sonic as Team Dark. First, get the
level-ups for all three characters. Rouge's is in the air and the rest are in
the boxes. Attack him in this order, according to color of weak point: red fly,
blue power, and yellow power. Power formation does the most damage. It is
recommended that you first get a few extra lives for each team including Sonic's
for the next Boss if you have a problem getting balloons.The Metal Madness part
of the Boss is easy, but is the longest. Every time he shoots three rounds of a
crystal attack counter with Homing Attack. If he uses missiles, use Thunder
Shoot. If he goes down below the clouds, he will throw a ship at you. To
counter, punch the ship. His last attack is Chaos Control. This attack is
unavoidable and does not do any damage. The only attack that hurts him is Team
Blast. To use it, counter the attacks and most of all check your rings; it
still decreases like the other Sonic games while in super mode.
Team Boss
When you fighting a
Team Boss use Blue Tornado on them by choosing the Speed Formation for any Team
Carnival: Easy lives for Team Chaotix
When you have many
robots, use Team Blast and you will have more than 100 rings because Team
Chaotix can get rings from every enemy with their Team Blast.
After doing a Team
Blast, before the words "Team Blast" in the top right corner of the
screen disappears, jump and press B. You will do something similar to the Light
Attack in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and kill all enemies that were not killed by
the Team Blast. This only works if there is an enemy to destroy.
Team Blast
As Team Chaotix,
have Espio as the leader then use the Tornado Spin. He will then turn
invisible. Then, stand in a place where you will not get hurt or fall down.
Keep pressing Action to throw as many ninja stars to gain the full Team Blast.
As Team Dark, after
you do a Team Blast time will be frozen until your Team Blast meter empties.
To get easy coins,
jump on the three stars on the three starred bumper. Note: You will only get a
five or ten coin block.
Chaos Emeralds
Once you obtain a
Key, go to the bonus round. In that round, you must chase the Emerald to the
end of the round.
Enable the metallic
characters for Team Rose. Notice that Cheese has no face.
eye color
When you select
Team Dark and everyone is saying something, look at Omega's eyes. They will be
white. Select any stage and use the C-stick to look at Omega. His eyes will now
be red.
As Team Dark, if
you are Shadow use the C stick to look at Rouge. She will wink at you.
This trick requires
a few things. You need to be Team Dark, find a pole which requires a switch to
activate or to defeat all enemies around, and have your Team Blast. Get to the
pole, use your Team Blast to stop time and destroy all enemies around. Hit the
switch or switches and use Tornado Attack at the pole. You will be swinging on
a ghost pole.
Robotnik dialogue
When playing as
Team Rose, after you complete Egg Carnival, Dr. Robotnik will say "Those
were just the easy ones boys", instead of "boys and girls".
Select Team Chaotix
and go to the Grand Metropolis level. When you reach two robots who are asleep
on top of boxes, have Espio turn invisible. Walk up to the boxes where they are
standing. Destroy the boxes with Espio's ninja star while he is still
invisible. The robots will not fall, and will stay suspended in mid-air. They
will float there until you turn visible again or you attack them.
At the Robot
Carnival Boss with Team Dark, hold Y button and repeatedly tap B just before
the Boss level loads. The graphics will glitch for a few seconds and the
characters will be scrambled. Note: This may require some practice.
On Team Chaotix's
first stage, where you have to collect ten (or twenty) Hermit Crabs, you can
get past normal game boundaries and end up in a dead end. Go through the stage
as usual and when you get at the end when you have to sting the flower with
Charmy, look around. Notice that there are pillars sticking out of the water
for no apparent reason. Fly onto the ledge to the right of you. Jump to the
next two pillars. You can see the ledge that is in all the other teams' stages.
Jump out as far as you can while still in Flight Formation and start to fly. If
you are lucky, you can make it up there. When you get up there, just run
through until you reach a cannon. Change to Speed Formation and jump in. You
will now be in a dead end where you cannot go any farther and cannot backtrack.
You must restart the stage or quit to escape.
up the team blast bar quickly
To fill up the team
blast bar without killing any enemies or collecting any rings, just switch to
power formation during any level with any team and press the B button
repeatedly until the bar goes to maximum. When you're pressing the B button the
power formation leader should be punching, throwing or whatever that chosen
person's attack is. Whilst they are punching away at thin air the team blast
bar is going up and up.
enemys easily
Use the Power
character on your team and attack one of the red robots ( or any other lesser
robot ) and it will be desroyed in one hit. Also level up your your whole team
3 times and attack a robot and it will explode. Enjoy this hint!
2-Player Characters
Hold A+Y after you
select a level in 2-Player Mode
Last Cinema -
Complete Last Story in story mode
Team Chaotix Cinema
- Complete Team Chaotix in story mode
Team Dark Cinema -
Complete Team Dark in story mode
Team Rose Cinema - Complete Team Rose in story mode
Team Sonic Cinema -
Complete Team Sonic in story mode
Follow me Complete
"Team Rose" in Story Mode
Sonic Heroes -
Unlocked at start
Team Chatoix -
Complete "Team Chaotix" in Story Mode
This Machine -
Complete "Team Dark" in Story Mode
We Can - Complete
"Team Sonic" in Story Mode
2P Bobsled Race -
Collect 80 emblems
2P Expert Race -
Collect 120 emblems
2P Quick Race -
Collect 100 emblems
2P Ring Race -
Collect 60 emblems
2P Special Stage -
Collect 40 emblems
2P Team Battle -
Collect 20 emblems
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