Attack Mode
To unlock the Boss
Attack mode, complete either the Hero or the Dark side story modes. Here you will
be able to fight each boss from either the Hero or the Dark side.
as Super Sonic and Hyper Shadow
Complete the
"Last Stage?" in story mode, and you'll unlock both Super Sonic and
Hyper Shadow.
Green Hill Zone
Get all 180 Emblems
and unlock the 3D version of Green Hill Zone from Sonic The Hedgehog 1.
Kart Racing Game
In order to unlock
the Kart game, in the Hero Side story complete the Tails driving quest and then
in Dark Side story successfully finish the Rouge chase mission. You will now
have a playable kart racing game to play.
the Last Stage
In order to play
the actual last and final stage of this game, then finish both Hero and Dark side
story games. Once this is done, go into story mode and a ''Last Stage?'' menu
selection should appear between the Hero and the Dark Side selections.
Dark Chao Garden
To unlock the Dark Chao Garden, you must raise a Dark Chao with one of the
three "Dark" characters. Continually feed and train your Dark Chao
and soon it will evolve (creates a tearshaped "cocoon"). Once it
evolves, the descending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to
the Dark Chao Garden.
Hero Chao Garden
To unlock the Chao Hero Garden, you must raise a Hero Chao with one of the
three Hero characters. Continually feed and train your Hero Chao and it should
evolve (creates a tearshaped "cocoon"). Once it evolves, ascending
stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to the Hero Garden.
Finish all of one
character's (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, etc.) missions to get an alternate costume
in two player mode.
time attack mode:
complete either side story to see all the scenes from the side of the story
that you chose or you can play the Bosses that you fought in a time attack
mode. To get both the Hero and the Dark modes you have to complete both sides
of the game.
complete both Hero and Dark side story modes. Enter story mode to access the "Last
Stage?" option.
Extra Island level:
To get an extra Island level, you must get all the Emblems, including Kart,
Timed Boss, and the emblems for all A rating. Once you have them all, which
should total 180, the island next to the Green Forest level will have the face of Sonic on it.
The new level is a 3D version of the Green Hills Zone, from Sonic The Hedgehog.
Racing mini-game:
Catch the President
with Tails, or catch Tails with Rouge. If you do both, you will unlock versus
in two-player mode. Either way will work -- it does not matter which you do
Sonic and Hyper Shadow:
complete the Last Stage? Level in story mode to unlock Super Sonic and Hyper Shadow.
Robotnik: Mystic Melody:
At the very
beginning of the Sand Ocean level, stay on the turnstile until it rotates
the entire way around. At that point you will see a glow, which is the Mystic
Melody. You must fly over to a new platform to get it.
Mystic Melody:
In Eggman's Sand Ocean level, go onto one end of the turning
platform and stay there until view changes. You will see the Mystic Melody.
or Rouge: Finding goals:
At any point if you
cannot seem to find what they are supposed to look for, intentionally die. You
will lose all your rings, but in big stages you will find that it is to the most
benefit. Note: Make sure that you have plenty of lives.
or Rogue: Extra lives:
Enter two player
mode and choose Knuckles or Rouge. Keep digging in the stage. After you dig you
might get a lot of coins or lives. Keep digging for lives -- you can use them
when you try an adventure (Dark or Hero story line).
Mystic Melody:
Go to Wild Canyon as Knuckles. Go straight into the windy
gust throwing you upward. Look to the left and you should see three small
buildings containing four boxes in each one. Ignore them. Go straight past them
to find the Lonely Statue. Climb above the statue's head straight up and you
should see a strange painting. Dig through it to find the Mystic Melody.
To get the
sunglasses for Knuckles, play through story mode until you get to the Meteor
Herd level. This occurs immediately after fighting the "Egg Golem".
Look around for a big meteor on a separate floating rock island. Get on it, then get in back of the huge
meteor, as far as you can go. Punch twice and then move forward for the
Mini-Spiral Upper. If this does not work, try running at full speed and slam
into the door in front of you. If it opens, break the metal box located there,
then hit the button. Find a spring that takes you up to the top (or climb up),
then fall down the newly opened area. You should see a rainbow-colored area
with the Sunglasses power-up.
Treasure Scope:
complete the Dark story line or get the Iron Boots in the Space level. Then, return
to the first level and look for the Egyptian sign that was in Egg-Quaters. You
will find Mystic Melody here. Then, go to the Security Hall and find the point
of usage for Mystic Melody (there may be two). Follow the bridge that appears
and use the Iron Boots on the crates to break them to find the Treasure Scope.
Extra points:
When playing as
Sonic, use the special punch attack after hitting and destroying an enemy to hit
another and collect more points.
and Shadow: Mystic Melody:
The Mystic Melody
for sonic and shadow is in their final stages. For Sonic, keep playing through
the level until you see a rocket on a platform while grinding on a rail. Jump
to it, and use it to go to a different route. Keep playing through this route
until you get to the Mystic Melody. For Shadow, there is one part of the level
where you can keep spiraling up on magnetic tubes. Eventually you will get to
the Mystic Melody. The Mystic Melody is a tool every character can get. To use
it, you must find those strange boxes that are in each level. Play the Mystic
Melody to unlock a secret passage. The secret passage will usually lead you to
the lost Chao you need to find to complete mission 3.
vs. Sonic finale: Extra lives:
Get 100 Rings by
using Light Dashes.
Homing Laser upgrade:
A weapon not
mentioned in the manual is the upgrade for Tails' Homing Laser. After completing
the stage in which Tails earns the Volcan Upgrade, go back to Prison Lane via the level selection screen. At the end
of the level, before touching the goal, look for the cameras. Shoot them down
and break the iron boxes in front of the gate (if there are any). The Laser upgrade
will be behind two barred doors afterwards.
Mystic Melody:
Get the Vulcan
Cannon upgrade (which is a mandatory item that you will eventually get). Then,
go to the Egyptian level and play through it until you see a door blocked by
iron boxes. Shoot the boxes, go through the door, and collect the Mystic
or Eggman: Extra health:
To gain a little
health for Eggman or Tails, hit an enemy. When you see a Chaos Driver, get it. Your
power bar will rise slightly higher.
Laser upgrade:
To get the Homing
Laser upgrade for the Eggwalker, on the first stage of the Dark story line, find
a hall blocked by iron containers. Shoot them with your Vulcan cannon (needs to
be upgraded first). You will find the homing laser upgrade at the end of the
Mines: Air Necklace:
Go to the Aquatic
Mines level as Knuckles. Find the switch that changes the water level to its third
setting. (o do this, make sure it is on the first setting and climb the pole in
the center of the room. Then, jump to the pulley taking you above. Go to level
2 of the stage and find the a caution sign. Jump in the pit and keep following
the path to the item. The Air Necklace allows you to breathe under water for an
infinite amount of time. This is especially helpful in the very last level,
where you spend virtually the entire time underwater.
Escape: Magic Gloves:
Once you get the
Fire Somersault Bracelet, return to the first level of Sonic's adventure (City Escape).
Go towards the end of the level and look for a spot on the ground composed of
four steel crates. Perform the bounce attack on top of them and you will fall
into a secret room. Once there, you can bounce and destroy more crates to find
the Magic Gloves. They will allow you to turn an enemy into a miniature
throwable version. However, you have to get very close, making it not all that
Escape: Run on foot:
At the start of the
City Escape level, instead of landing on the ground with the board, scrape the
roads on the board. When on foot run full speed at a wall and get knocked down.
Pause game play if you fall after hitting the wall. Choose to restart the level
to run on foot and not on the board.
Wall: Extra life:
As Dr. Robotnik.
While trying to get up one of the giant holes by jumping from platform to platform,
you will see two platforms extremely close together. Shoot all the boxes there
to reveal a 1-up item which increases your life bar, so you can sustain more
attacks before dying.
Gadget: End of level:
As Sonic, reach the
last sequence when you hit the switch before you get the goal to launch the
missile. Use the first switch then instead of using the second switch. Use the
bounce attack to go higher to the red platform and move to your left. Hit the
switch to go down. Step off the purple platform to find the switch. Use the
bounce attack to get high enough to reach the gravity switch. Once you do, just
jump to hit the switch. The next part is tricky. Use the homing attack to hit
the spring near the goal and do not press anything. You should end up back
where you started use the first switch to go up. Repeat the procedure, except
use the switch that is straight ahead. When you get down, fire the missile to
get the goal.
Quarters: A rank:
To get an A rank
for Rouge in Egg Quarters, get the three keys in 4:30. Usually you have to get it in 1:30.
Rush: Extra lives:
As Sonic, after the
first grinding rail, land on the first platform. Take the lower of the two
rails. At the end of the rail, jump to the platform and use the only rail, on
the ground. At the end of that rail, there is a platform with speed panels. At
the end of the platform there is a bomb robot over another platform. Destroy it
and use the rail off of the platform it was over. At the end of that rail is a
check point with a small gap afterward. Jump the gap and go all the way down
the big drop. At the bottom is a rail on the left side. It will take you to a
platform with a ring box and a life box. Get the life and then choose
"Exit" from the "Start" menu. Re-enter the level and you
should have the same number of lives you had when you exited the level. Repeat
this as many times as needed.
Base: Interesting statue:
In the Hidden Base
level as Tails, go to the pulley where, at the top, there are five to six
Kiki's throwing bombs at you. In that area is a headless statue of a nude
woman, holding her cleavage.
Base: Green sea monster Chao:
When playing as
Tails, there is a hidden green sea monster Chao in the small maze. It makes your
Chao's color turn green.
Iron Gate: Special Dragon Animal for your Chao:
To get A Special
Dragon for the Dark story line, get all three Chao boxes in Iron Gate as Dr. Eggman. Be careful 00 one of the
boxes is near the goal,
Iron Gate: Laser Blast:
First, find the
Cannon in the Weapons Bed level, then play the Iron Gate level again. Go to the location where you
find the most coins and two gas pipes. Blast those gas pipes. You will now see
a way leading to a hall. The Laser Blast is inside, glowing green light. Take
it. It makes it easier to lock-on to more opponents.
Space: Phantasy Star Online items:
In the Mad Space
level as Rouge, you can find items from Phantasy Star Online lying around --
the boxes rather not items themselves. For example, you can find green and blue
boxes from the game.
Metal Harbor: Shortcut:
Near the beginning
as Sonic, after doing the loop-de-loop there is a robot you can homeattack, which
will take you to a faster route. After completing this much faster route,
simply finish the rest of the level as fast as you can without taking detours.
Also try to go straight all the way on the street board at the end-- do not
Hill: Ghosts:
As Knuckles, from
Pumpkin Hill to the rest of the game you can find ghosts in certain places. Note:
They just pop out and knock you down.
Hill: Extra Skeleton Dogs:
As Knuckles, go to
Pumpkin Hill and get the extra life that is buried where the Shovel Claw was
located. Then, go to Church Mountain and look around one of the graves closest
to the wall. You should find a Skeleton Dog there. Restart the Level and do the
same thing over again until you have as many as needed. The last time you do
that, find a Chao Key and finish the level. It is easier to do this if you are
on the 100 Ring mission or the Find The Chao mission.
Hill: Safe from fall:
When you fall for a
while, glide then do the Spinning Dig move and hold it down. You will bounce
back up and be able to glide to safety. If you do not make it, repeat until you
Hill: Early lives:
When starting
Pumpkin Hill as Knuckles, go to the left rocket that takes you to Church Mountain. Then, take the rocket that leads to Pumpkin Mountain, which is somewhere in the graveyard area.
While falling down from that rocket, quickly glide forward to the flying
"island" in front of you. If done correctly, you should grip to the
floating chunk of land and be able to go forward to get the extra life. This
can be useful for people who are collecting Skel-dogs, because you can get it
in the graveyard place before you take the rocket. There is also an extra life
buried where the digging claw things used to be -- so this can double as an
unlimited lives trick. Note: Skel-dogs are useful for people who are raising
running Chao because they remove the boar's ugly features, and provide a
running improvement of up to 16, without subtracting from other stats.
Highway: Fire Ring:
As Shadow, after
the second highway you spring to, go backwards instead of forwards. You will
see a rollie object that you need to somersault through to a new route. The new
route leads to the Fire Ring that allows you to break steel crates. Note: You
need the Light Shoes or you will not be able to get it.
Highway: Got Ring? Blimp:
There is a blimp
with the message "Got Ring?" in the level.
Hall: Fast completion:
In this stage you
play as Rouge the Bat and are given 5 minutes to complete it. This can prove to
be quite difficult. If you have enough lives you can do this trick. If you
cannot seem to find the Emeralds, you should die. You will keep the existing
Emeralds that you have collected. You will begin at the start of the level and
the Emeralds will move to different places. This is the fastest method for
completing the level if you are having trouble.
Hall: Cut through lasers without losing rings:
As Rogue, get a
running start and glide as fast as you can. If you are quick enough, when you touch
a laser you will hear a spark but will not get hurt. You can only do this on
lasers that are high. This is best done in the higher room with the switches.
Hall: Alternate shield color:
Play as Rouge in
the Security Hall under the hard difficulty setting. The shield robots will be holding
black shields instead of red ones.
Rail: Shortcut:
There are places in
the level where you can jump as Shadow from the rail you are on to a rail you
are going past that you normally would not get to until later in the level.
This method saves time, and it is fairly easy. Be careful -- do not jump to a
rail that will take you back, adding time. Additionally, on the last rail, take
the rail on the right versus the left. The one on the right slopes straight
down to the goal. Also, crouch at the very beginning to go much faster.
Rail: Find the lost Chao:
The Mystic Melody
and Light Speed Dash are required. At the second checkpoint there will be rail.
Do not go on it. Instead, turn to the left and you should see the Mystic Block.
Play the Mystic Melody and rings will appear. Do the Light Speed Dash and there
will be a lot of bouncy things. Bounce up a few and at the top you will see the
lost Chao. Go up a few more bouncy things to reach it.
Rail: Ancient Light:
As Shadow, skip the
rocket and use the spring. Hit the bouncy propeller object until you get to the
limit. You will see an enemy robot that you need to kill. Following him is a
string of robots that you attack until you get to the Ancient Light for Shadow.
It does the same thing as the Ancient Light for Sonic.
Jungle: Ancient Light:
To get the Ancient
Light from the original Sonic Adventure, go to the White Jungle level as Sonic
and keep playing until you reach the part where you are in a tree with many
enemy robots. Jump up to the area with the box of rings. From there, walk to
the edge of the platform until you see an enemy robot. Home attack it and keep
going, attacking item boxes until you get to an extra life at the end of the
line. There is also a 1-Up item which is the Ancient Light.
Jungle: Fourth mission Emblem:
There are no
shortcuts in this level. To get the Emblem as Shadow, keep running and do not get
Jungle: Easy points:
When playing as
Shadow there are two places where you get points for easy things. At the very
start of the level, after swinging on your first vine, somersault under a fence
for 500 free points. Then, when you are in a grassy area much like the area
where Sonic gets his Ancient Light, instead of going the short way which leads
to invincibility, somersault under a gate behind two robots. Dodge the sparking
robot and when you reach two robots, one flying around one just standing, hit
the flying one. Stay in the air as long as you can and bash the second one to
get the usual 100 points, but you will also get 400 bonus points.
Wild Canyon: Special Dragon Animal
for your Chao:
Play as Knuckles in
the Wild Canyon level. Get all three Chao Boxes. The first
Chao Box will be the Chao key. When you get the second Chao Box you can get 2,
3 or 4 animals. With the third Chao Box, you can get the Dragon.
For an easier way
to get a Dragon, start the Wild Canyon level and go to the place where you get the
power-up on the wall you came out of. Look to where it and the left wall
intersects. Climb up to find a Dragon. Go over there and play the Mystic
Melody. Go forward and get the extra life. Restart and do it again.
Wild Canyon: Extra dragons and lives:
Use the following
trick to get a lot of dragons in about ten minutes. At the start of the Wild Canyon level, climb the tall pillar to your right.
When you reach the top, get the extra life and glide to the pillar on the other
side of the room. Then, glide onto the pillar closest to it and get the Chao
box. Enter the "wind tunnel" and when you get to the top, go to your
left. Go to one of the first cubes blocked by boxes. Punch the boxes for
another extra life, then go to the end of the path. Once there, hit the Chao
box, but avoid the animals. Once you get that, go to the path across from the
one you that are in. Go all the way down and either kill or ignore the rhinos.
Then, drop down into the statue area. Get the Chao box and the dragon, then
exit and repeat this as many times as needed.
In the Dark
storyline, instead of trying to catch him off-guard, keep somersaulting at him.
This makes the battle easy.
Big Foot:
In the Hero
storyline, you can defeat Big Foot faster by jumping on the wooden boxes. From here,
you can attack him without having to wait until he lands. After he shoots out
all the boxes, defeat him the standard way. As Sonic, if you have the bounce
attack, just bounce around Big Foot.
In the Hero
storyline, during both battles with Eggman forget about the lock-on missile --
it is too slow. Instead, rapidly attack him with your Vulcan cannon.
Egg Golem:
Beside climbing the
stairs on Golem's back, you can hit him another way. You can only do this when
he has two or less hits remaining. When he uses his head butt of death, stay to
the side of his fists so the head misses. Then, get directly under the head. He
takes a few seconds to pick it up again -- use a bounce attack to hit the
In the Hero
storyline, during both Shadow battles you can use the same strategies. Shadow cannot
defend against the bounce attack. Instead of trying to catch him off-guard,
keep somersaulting at him. This makes the battle easy.
King Boom Boo:
In the Hero
storyline, only run fast enough so you can see his face. When he starts
breathing blue fire, you will have more than enough time to punch the ghost
holding the hour glass while he is preoccupied making is wall. King Boom Boo as
one attack called the Chomp Attack. Be careful, because he also speeds up when
he does it. If you slow down, quickly speed back up or he will speed up and
Omochao angry:
Pick him up and
throw him around. If you throw him at an enemy, he will explode. You can even shoot
him with Eggman or Tails while he is flying around your head.
Mines level (Big the Cat):
You can also find
Big the Cat when the water is all the way up and you look through the cage with
the caution side.
Cannon's Core level
(as Tails): When you take the first elevator down, you will see Big below hanging
on to the wall to the right (or left).
Cannon's Core level
(as Knuckles): Big can been found inside of the wall near where you find a lot
of lasers close to the ending (next to the ground that is green on the right
side). He is waving to you.
Escape level (Big the Cat):
Big the Cat appears
after the last corner in the G.U.N. truck vs. Sonic scene. look For him at the
right of the screen, running downhill on the sidewalk away from the truck.
Colony's Core (as
Sonic): Note: this is the last part. When you are going down the slides, jump
on the pillar to your left (the one with the timestop switch). Look across from
you on the other pillar to see Big.
Gadget level (Big the Cat):
Reach the room with
all the color boxes. When you first get to the yellow one, jump down to land on
another yellow piece. Big will be jumping up and down on it -- you can reach
Crazy Gadgets (hard
difficulty): Big will be hanging on to the blue block instead of on the yellow
Wall level (as Dr. Eggman):
When you are on the
second train-like rail car immediately after you reach the top of the first hill,
spin the camera angle around to see behind Dr. Eggman. Big will be sitting on
the corner of the platform behind you.
Chamber level (as Knuckles):
Go in the middle,
where the big engine is located. Climb around it in one location and you can see
Big the Cat inside of it.
Dry Lagoon level (as Rouge):
Go to the turtle
and rescue him. Then, go to the other place with the underwater swimming turtle.
Grab hold of him and on the way to the under prison, look on the bottom right
of the screen to see the lower half of Big sticking out of the sand. Look
carefully and make sure you are entering the tunnel, and not the exit.
Quarters level:
Go to the green
room with the eight pillars. In the middle of the room is a Mystic Melody ruin.
Stand on top of it and jump up. On the wall to the left (or right), Big is
holding on under a flower.
Green Forest level (as Sonic):
Big can be seen
(barely) on a platform against a tree, immediately after the part when you home
attack two enemies that are floating above platforms. Look to the left to see
the large platform against a tree. Big is a little difficult to see.
Hidden Base level
(as Tails): When you reach the entrance to the first pyramid, look to the right.
Big will be sitting on a metal girder that is around a large statue against the
Iron Gate level (as Dr. Eggman):
When you reach the
first elevator, jump off and hover (or fall towards the wall with the exit on it.).
Keep falling to see Big hanging onto the wall.
episode level (as Rogue):
Go to the top, and
when you press the button, fly the same way that you got there. Climb up on the
wood thing and you should see Big the Cat. You cannot go there -- he is just
turning his back at you.
story level (as Dr. Eggman):
As you fall down a
ravine with lasers, Big is sitting on the far left ledge near the three water enemies.
Metal Harbor level (as Sonic):
Big can be seen
when you reach the rocket that takes you to the big rocket. Look around to see
him sitting on a platform off to the side
Herd level:
Big can been seen
below the light screen window that is close to the lava. He is hanging on the
middle of the ledge. Note: It is located close to the huge platform that has a
sign that reads "0-2 0-3". He is difficult to spot.
Lane level (as Tails):
Go to the room with
the "elevator". In one of the cells you will see something sticking
out on the left side. Move the camera so its pointing to that cell to see Big
the Cat.
Pumpkin Hill level
(as Knuckles): Go to the one of the train gates. You can see Big the Cat hiding
behind the gate, waving to you.
Hill/Mountain level (as Knuckles):
Go to the Ghost
Train Turntable and drop down to the tracks. In one of the barred tunnels, Big the
Cat will be waving at you.
Pyramid Cave level (as Sonic):
You can see Big the
Cat on the far left side of the screen, behind the fence on the first rail you grind
Highway level (as Shadow):
Go to the rocket
that takes you over the "Got Ring?" blimp. Big the Cat will be
looking down. When playing under the hard difficulty setting, you will see him
hanging from the blimp instead of looking down.
Sand Ocean level (as Eggman):
Big can be seen
immediately near the end ring. Turn the camera to see Big sleeping on a platform
off to the side.
Hall level (as Rouge):
Immediately when
you start the level, go to your right or left and reach the ledge directly next
to the hole with the A/C tubes in it. Move the camera so you can see under
Rouge, and you should see Big hanging onto a wall. Note: You can use Drill Drive to attack him and pass through him like a
Rail level (as Shadow):
Immediately at the
start of the level, when Shadow is grinding down a pole, look at the girder behind
him. You will see Big sitting on a girder in the background. Note: You will
only see his head unless you jump.
Bed level (as Eggman):
Big is sitting on
top of the first garage with TNT packs on it.
Jungle level (as Shadow):
You can see Big at
a platform on the right of the screen when swinging on the last vine with the
waterfall. After seeing him, look up to the top right-hand side to see Big
sleeping on a giant heavy looking leaf on a tree just before you reach the goal
Jungle level:
Big can be seen
again at the end of the level. Before you hit the ring, turn the camera to the right
to see Big sitting on a tree to the left.
Wild Canyon level (as Knuckles):
Go forward and up
the wind. Go over to the wall in between the two paths you can go, and climb
up. Big the Cat will be hanging on for life.
You can also see
him in the battle against Sonic while playing as Shadow.
In the Tails level
where you are running from the police and you first get your hover ability, Big
the Cat can be seen again. There is a part in the level where you need to knock
a column over in order to use it as a step to reach a higher level, from which you
hover over to a platform with a police barricade and two robots. If you miss
the platform and fall in the hole, you will see Big the Cat sitting on the
girders underneath the platform.
In the intermission
when Sonic beats up the Egg Golem (Dark storyline) look against the wall to see
Big behind one of the doors, jumping up and down,
After you complete
Final Hazard, and Shadow and Sonic get ready to use the Chaos Control, Big will
sometimes be seen floating around in the background.
Play as Rouge and
do the battle against Knuckles. At the end when you and Knuckles are saying
"Whew", Big will walk across the beam behind you.
In Rouge's Inside
the Pyramid level, one of the robots you blow up is E-102
Chao Toys
Shovel: Win all 3
Crab Pool races
Watering Can: Win
all 3 Stump Valley races
Toy Car: Win all 3 Mushroom Forest races
Rattle: Win all 3 Block Canyon races
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